The last couple of days were filled with searching and testing app's on both the Ipad and Blackberry. Some of them looks great and are worth a second view, otherone's are deleted right away. As a professional webmanager (one of my activities amongst several others) I thought it was a good idea to be as versatile as possible. For that reason I flashed my office smartphone from Windows Mobile 6.5. to Android 2.3.4. Again I am positively amazed! And again I started the search for nice app's and wow, what an offering. Litteraly thousand of apps are in reach. Some are the same as on the Ipad or Blackberry, others are intended for Android only.
One of the nice things I bumped into, is the one called ElectroDroid. This multilanguage app is
FREE downloadable from the well-known Android Market or via
this link. It's provide you with information of resistor and inductor color codes, an Ohm's Law calculator, pin-out schedules, a voltage divider, tables of standard resistors and capacitors and a lot of usefull other ham related stuff. Offcourse there are many other apps that offers the same, but this is a collection of the most used. It has a nice look and feel, on a small screen of your smartphone it's very good readable. As a student for full license, this app certainly is going to help me to understand and explain the basic of electronics in a great way. So, if you have an Android, open Market and download this little jewel!
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